The art of harmonizing quality and affordability with creative travel

Creative Travel excels in blending quality experiences with competitive pricing. Tailoring itineraries to diverse traveler interests, it stays innovative and ahead in the dynamic travel market

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Harmonizing quality and affordability with creative travel

The world of travel is rapidly expanding, and amidst the many adventurers, some stand out as true inspirations - those who redefine the very meaning of exploration. Rajeev Kohli, Joint Managing Director of Creative Travel, is one such luminary. His visionary leadership has catapulted Creative Travel to the very forefront of experiential travel. As more and more millennials seek authentic experiences and transformative encounters, Creative Travel, with over four decades of experience, leaves an indelible mark across the Indian subcontinent by offering unique and immersive cultural experiences. From the snow-capped peaks of the Himalayas to the vibrant tapestries of Rajasthan, Kohli unveils the essence of experiential travel.

Creative Travel balances providing high-quality experiences and maintaining competitive pricing for its clients.

The balance between cost and competitiveness is not unique to us or our industry. There is a customer at every price point—that is basic economics. Every business must decide what price point they want to deliver, determining their market size. It is also a fact that you cannot be everything to everyone. You can be a Selfridges or a Tesco, but you can't address both customer bases simultaneously. Based on that, we decided long ago that we would prefer to be smaller, address a niche, and do that well. The target market also recognises businesses that target specific audiences for what they do and deliver. That particular customer is looking for a specific service provider and is willing to pay for a desired level of service. This basic business logic defines what we can charge and what perceived value we deliver. We do not feel the pressure to compete on price alone. We have to be competitive, but we do not need to be the cheapest. It is easy to be affordable. It is hard to deliver quality and consistency. So, everything we do is defined by these principles.

Creative Travel ensures its itineraries cater to diverse traveller interests and preferences.

For over 47 years and over two generations, our family has showcased India and her region in ways like a few others. I often say that working in a family company can give you a very different perspective on life. I see how we work with our team members, clients and partners. The focus is never only on numbers. Our work is about helping travellers create stories. Our father started his journey from humble beginnings, and we are proud of the teamwork that has made Creative Travel one of South Asia’s most respected travel brands.

Delivering the finest cultural experiences does not happen by accident. Each country has unique touchpoints that we have made it our business to know intimately. We invest a lot in training our people and in new products and techniques. Our focus has always been to showcase these destinations through unique experiences and engaging moments that take the traveller deeper into the culture, showcasing our diversity and people in ways that guarantee to send our travellers back with memories to last a lifetime. 

We always aim to make our service delivery as personal as possible. We want our travellers to feel welcome, that they have a friend along the journey, and that they are someone we genuinely care about. Small things matter. 

We plan programs to ensure that they are as customised as possible. We plan the trip based on a detailed analysis of what the traveller likes. Every visitor has different interests. Our country's diversity allows us to create a program to meet any passion. We have to know our business to do that. 

The inspiration behind the Jungle Sutra initiative and travellers’ reception to it

We saw a gap and an opportunity where JungleSutra came from. JungleSutra is amongst the Indian Subcontinent’s premier wildlife and experiential travel curators. What drives us at JungleSutra is our mission to showcase our region through a very different set of eyes, which we believe sets us apart from others. We showcase India’s more commonly sought-after wildlife and introduce lesser-known species while experiencing the region's authentic cultural and historical aspects through tailormade and curated itineraries. A JungleSutra journey is aimed at the discerning traveller looking to explore the exotic world of India’s finest wildlife & cultural experiences in authentic style & luxury. 

The Indian Subcontinent is a fantastic wildlife destination, even though all who think of wildlife first think of Africa. Very few people know that Indian wildlife boasts a higher diversity than other parts of the world. The Indian Subcontinent’s wildlife sanctuaries hold some of the world’s finest wildlife stock. We also aim to showcase India’s strong culture, history, and natural experience. JungleSutra also has a robust social initiative and seeks to engage local communities in activities that give back to the areas we visit. Our journeys combine the region's natural, cultural, artistic and historical aspects, making any visit holistic and complete. 

Creative Travel stays innovative and ahead of industry trends in the dynamic travel market

Growth for the sake of growth doesn’t make sense. We focus on strategic growth and retaining stability in a successful business. Innovation is a constant effort and a hard one to do. The lack of national support by the government in promoting the destination makes it very hard for all of us in the inbound industry. A lot of energy goes into maintaining a business rather than growing it. That is our fate, and so be it. However, our mission to be the best at what we do and be a responsible business will never be compromised.

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